Monday, May 1, 2017

The Killing Joke

The Killing Joke

 When I was younger I went over to Barns and Noble and picked up a  copy of The Killing Joke. I started getting into DC comics and Batman is just one of my favorite characters to read about but the Joker comes in at a close second. I think The Killing Joke is beautiful in every sense, illustration and psychologically. It touches upon some important details that shape The Joker and make him who he is today. When I first read the comic I couldn't put it down and I ended up blowing through it as soon as I got my hands on it. I love weird relationships and their relationship is so pretty. The Joker also touches on some pretty good points of depression. If the Joker really feels the way he does then the only thing keeping him alive is his fascination with Batman? that's interesting. 

I can't even tell you how much I adore the relationship with Batman and Joker, it's so good. It's just so good. One can't live without the other, they both give their lives meaning. In the end, it is up to your interpretation whether or not the Joker really dies, does Batman actually have the guts to go against everything he believes in and kill his one true enemy. Grant Morrison will tell you that Batman finished the Joker, hence the name killing joke. A lot of people disagree with his opinion. The end joke really got to me, it really delved into a dynamic of their relationship. Batman wants to save the Joker but the Joker flat out says to Batman that he doesn't trust him and that they are both too completely obsessed with each other to kill each other. The story about what makes him Joker the Joker is interesting but the relationship between Batman and him is my favorite part. Also, the fact that Barabra grows so much after this comic is super nice to read about. 

I would not change anything, its a really well done comic. It truly paints The Joker as who he is. The Killing Joke became an animated film and it was just ok. They changed a few things from the comic and it didn't look as gritty as the comics did. This is just my opinion, I know Moore did work on the animated film but I don't know the extent. There hasn't been one phenomenal portrayal of the Joker in any of the live-action Batman movies. I gave up on Hollywood making Batman into other mediums a long time ago (after Suicide Squad). Just put an end to it, I rather read the comics. I would hope others would read the comics too, especially The Killing Joke. 

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