Keiji Nakazawa
After watching the anime in class, I couldn't help but try and read some of the manga for my own well being. The topic of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing is one of histories topics that peaks my interests. Growing up, I was taught that if those bombs never were dropped America never would have ended the war. Whether that is true or not is under debate but knowing that Ken lived to create what he saw for the purpose of influencing people to not use nuclear arms just really tugs at my heart strings. It is so sad, I wish people knew more about this comic, it really opened my eyes. Talk about creating for a purpose, he inspired me to always create for a purpose. The story takes place in Hiroshima where Gen Nakaoka has to deal with his family struggling through poverty. Gen's mother is carrying her fourth child and it is already hard enough to feed the children they already had. People have created movies, comics, or tv shows about people who suffer from poverty. Even though it is an issue that is talked about a lot through media, I don't think any of them really hit home for me more than this one. What really stands out to me, why this story touched me is because that Nakazawa had a mission. He had a mission to teach people what it was like living on the other side of those bombings. I never knew what it was like and never gave it much thought when I was learning about it in school. I was taught it had to happen, that what came out of those bombings were good. Whether you want to believe that or not, all I know is that this man had a purpose to stop nuclear warfare. He created so people can become aware of how destructive and tragic it really is. I just think that is so powerful that he dedicated his life and art to this mission. Honestly, this comic really opened my eyes. The anime is especially powerful and can probably impact more people since I feel most people rather visually take something in than having to read it but I guess that just depends on the person.